3 Ways to Know it's Time for a Furnace Replacement
Strange noises…less efficiency…constant on and off cycling…there are many factors that could be contributing to the need for furnace replacement. With the average furnace lasting between 15 and 20 years, old age isn’t the only red flag that can signal the need for a new unit. Even if you’ve been quite lucky to squeeze two full decades out of your furnace, it will die at some point so you should know the signs. Here are three.
1. Increasing Energy Bills
If the amount on your heating bills has been slowly creeping up lately each month, this could be the result of a lack of efficiency. When this happens, your unit is working overtime to achieve the previous level of comfort that you desire. It’s working harder for the same – or sub-par – results stemming from a maintenance issue or simple old age. This is natural as your unit ages, and it will lose efficiency even if you’ve been diligent about yearly maintenance tasks such as inspections and filter changes. However, if you find you’re spending lots of money on the same old repairs and you’re still getting inefficient operation, you may be better off buying a whole new one. Statistics show homeowners will spend the most money on repairs for their furnace during its last two years of life. If you’re spending lots of money on continual repairs, consider buying a new unit.
2. Weird Noises
Clanking…clicking…continual cycling…these are all strange noises that could signal impending doom for your furnace. This doesn’t mean your furnace doesn’t make unique sounds. In fact, you’ve probably gotten used to them. Just be on the lookout for anything that seems out of whack. Those noises could mean you have:
- A slow or worn motor belt
- Dirty gas burners or pilot light adjustments
- Leaks
- Blower motor bearings in need of lubrication
- Cracked heat exchanger
These sounds don’t necessarily mean your whole unit needs to be replaced. It’s more likely that a repair issue exists. In either case, it’s important to have any changes checked out by a professional. Spending a little bit of money now on a repair can head off bigger, more costly problems later on.
3. Uneven Heat Distribution
Aging furnaces commonly give off uneven heat distribution, which means some rooms get more heat than others. When you feel a noticeable difference between rooms, or even very subtle variations in comfort level between them, your furnace could need repair or replacement. This is due to uneven air flow that can detract from your heating system's effectiveness, which leaves your house insufficiently heated at the least and leads to lasting damage to your HVAC system at the worst.
Have those furnaces inspected at the beginning and end of the season to be sure your unit is working at tip-top capacity. And don’t forget to change those furnace filters! Check your stock now. Running low? Order some today. Remember, FREE shipping!