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Learn 3 Tips for Furnace Filters Replacement

13th May 2014

Learn 3 Tips for Furnace Filters Replacement

Furnace Filter Replacement

So now that you’ve got your furnace filters, how do you know when to change them? Just because you’ve installed a new filter doesn’t mean you can forget about it. It’s important to change the filter out regularly so as to boost performance and increase efficiency. Leaving your filter in too long renders it virtually useless. In fact, this can actually worsen the air quality in your home because dust and dirt simply blow through it.

With so many things going on in our busy lives, it can be tough to remember your dentist appointment this week, let alone when you have to change your filters. Here are three tips to keep in mind when it comes to furnace filter replacement.

  1. Use a marker to write the date your filter was installed.
  2. Use the reminder feature on your smart phone to check the filter in two to three months. Set up a recurring reminder so you never forget.
  3. After two to three months, remove the filter and hold it up to the light. Can you see through it? If it is light gray and has just a little dust between the pleats, let it go for another month. Conversely, if the filter is dark gray, you can’t see light through it, and you notice dust and debris packed in between the pleats, replace it with a new one right away. Next time, test your filter one month earlier.

Once you’ve got a hang of the routine, you’ll know exactly when to change your filter and can get on a regular furnace filter replacement schedule. You may need to shorten your furnace replacement plan if you have pets or live in a crowded urban area with lots of cars or construction going on. In this latter case, try to keep windows closed and use the air conditioning in summer.

Every filter we sell comes with a suggested replacement schedule, so you will have a general rule of thumb for guidance. In general:

  • One-inch thick filters last between one and three months
  • Two-inch thick filters last between two and four months
  • Four-inch thick filters and higher last between three and six month

Remember, only FURNACE FILTERS CANADA provides the best filtration for the price. We do not make inflated promises about extended use. Perhaps you’ve bought other brands that promise “good for one year” or “replace only once a year,” but simply ask yourself if the filter is actually working after that amount of time or if dust is just going through it with the filtration of air. No company can honestly promise a one-year life span. Use common sense when buying filters – they need to be changed regularly to provide you with the peace of mind you need for quality air filtration.

By avoiding a regular replacement schedule, you are putting your health and that of your family at risk. Dust and dirt are allergens that can aggravate anything from asthma to allergies. Keeping your furnace filters clean will ensure the highest quality air filtration!

Replacing the filter regularly to keep your furnace clean can also avoid the high cost of repair. Check out this link and read about the Top Two Reasons Why Your A/C System is Experiencing Ice Build-Up.

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